Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Concerts? Yes.

Concerts. Gotta love em! Especially when you have seven in less than two weeks. 

Last week I had a choir concert, and I sang in Michael McLean's Forgotten Carols. I had never seen it before, but I loved it! It was so much fun, and the music was great, the story was corny, but still had a great Christmas message. I'm definitely doing it again next year, and if you haven't seen it, see it. :)

This week, I have two more choir concerts. We've been singing all these Christmas songs, and they are all so great! My favorite is Carol of Joy. If you've never heard it, come to our concert tomorrow, or just listen to it here. We sang with the Orchestra yesterday, and they sounded amazing! They definitely made us sound a lot better. It was a lot of fun, and if you were there, I hoped you enjoyed it.

Finally, I have three ballroom concerts this weekend. Friday at 7, and Saturday at 2 and 7. It's going to be really good! And, you should buy tickets from ME and not Nicole! ;) She probably needs the sales more than I do, but you should still buy them from me! ;) I don't really care who you buy the ticket from, just come. The company has been working really hard and it will be a great show. I promise. 

Anyway, concerts are great. Even if I do have one almost every other day. If you love me, you'll come to my choir concert tomorrow (7:30), and/or my ballroom concert this weekend. They will both be great. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh psh yeah right, you guys made US sound SOOOO much better!
